North Qld structural Drying Job calls for the experts.


North Qld Structural drying job call for the experts. The washing machine vibrated & disconnected to the water source which flooded a 2 story home. The kitchen, laundry, bedrooms & living areas had 1-2 inches of water.

Kay and John the owners of Drizair are very skilled in structural drying travelling to the USA multiple times for training. They have become pioneers in Qld travelling with multiple large trucks chasing storms for over 20 years.

Kaye & John both understand is moisture detection & exactly how all their equipment works at its optimum and the limitations. They like to have multiple methods of drying. In this particular job they used Desiccants, Low Grain Refrigerant Dehumidifiers, positive pressure system, heat and exhaust drying as well as air movement.

Drying the job with minimal air movement in under 1 week the ceiling collapsed downstairs where the beams were exposed drying the entire structure. Raising the temperature to 41 and reducing the relative humidity to 23%.